Instagram Metrics You Should Keep Track Of

Instagram Metrics You Need to Track in 2024

In the ever-evolving world of social media, staying on top of the right metrics is crucial for effective Instagram marketing. Instagram metrics are quantitative measures used to evaluate the performance of your Instagram content, profile, and overall presence on the platform. As we move into 2024, understanding and analyzing the right metrics can significantly enhance your strategy, helping you achieve your goals more efficiently

Why Are Instagram Metrics Important?

Understanding and tracking Instagram metrics is crucial for several reasons:

  • Performance Evaluation: helps you assess the effectiveness of your content and strategies, allowing you to identify what works and what doesn’t.
  • Audience Insights: you gain deeper insights into your audience’s preferences, behaviors, and demographics.
  • Optimization: provides the data needed to optimize your content and strategy, ensuring that you’re consistently improving and achieving better results.
  • Goal Tracking: allows you to measure your progress towards specific goals, such as increasing engagement, growing your follower base, or driving more traffic to your website.
  • ROI Measurement: For businesses and marketers, metrics are essential for measuring the return on investment (ROI) of their Instagram marketing efforts.

Instagram metrics are vital tools for anyone looking to maximize their impact on the platform. By regularly monitoring and analyzing these metrics, you can make informed decisions, fine-tune your strategies, and ultimately achieve greater success on Instagram.

 Here are the 8 Instagram metrics you need to track in 2024, along with examples to illustrate their importance.

1. Engagement Rate

These include likes, comments, shares, and saves. They help you understand how your audience interacts with your content. Engagement rate is critical because it measures how actively your audience is interacting with your content. 

High engagement indicates that your content resonates well with your audience, which can lead to increased brand loyalty and higher chances of conversions. Tracking engagement rate helps you understand which types of content your audience finds most appealing, allowing you to refine your content strategy.

2. Reach & Impressions 

Reach measures the number of unique users who see your content. It’s essential for assessing how widely your content is being distributed and can help you gauge the effectiveness of your content and marketing efforts.

While reach measures unique views, impressions count the total number of times your content is viewed, including multiple views by the same user. High impressions can indicate strong content that people are returning to or viewing multiple times.

How to Measure

Instagram provides reach data in the Insights section of your profile. This metric can be viewed for individual posts, Stories, Reels, and overall account performance.

Like reach, impressions data is available in the Insights section. It’s important to track impressions for all types of content to get a comprehensive understanding of how your audience interacts with your posts.


If your recent post had a reach of 15,000, it means that 15,000 unique users saw your post. Tracking reach over time can help you understand trends in your content’s visibility and identify any external factors influencing your reach.

That post might have a reach of 15,000 but 20,000 impressions. This indicates that some users viewed the post multiple times. Monitoring the ratio between impressions and reach can provide insights into the stickiness and appeal of your content.

3. Follower Growth Rate 

Follower growth rate measures how quickly your Instagram audience is growing over time. It’s critical to understanding the overall growth of your account and the effectiveness of your content and marketing strategies.

Tracking follower growth rate helps you assess the impact of your campaigns and content strategies on attracting new followers.

4. Profile Views 

Profile views indicate how many times users visit your Instagram profile. This metric can give you insights into the effectiveness of your overall presence and how compelling your profile is to visitors.

How to Measure

Profile views can be tracked through Instagram Insights. This metric can be especially useful in evaluating the impact of your bio, profile picture, and highlights.


If you notice a spike in profile views after a particular post, it suggests that the post piqued users’ interest enough to explore your profile further. Analyzing what drives profile views can help you optimize your content and profile to convert visitors into followers.

5. Content-Specific Metrics 

These include metrics for individual posts, Stories, Reels, and IGTV videos, such as views, engagement, and completion rates. They  are a popular format for engaging with followers, and tracking Story views and completion rates can help you understand how well your Stories resonate with your audience.

How to Measure

Story views are simply the number of users who viewed your Story. Completion rate is the percentage of users who watched your Story from start to finish.

High completion rates indicate that your Stories are engaging and retain viewers’ attention throughout.

CTR This measures the effectiveness of links in your bio, Stories, and ads by tracking how many users click on them. A high CTR indicates that users are not only engaging with your content but are also interested in learning more or taking action.

Monitoring CTR helps you assess the effectiveness of your CTAs and refine them to improve conversions.

7. Hashtag Performance 

 Hashtags can significantly extend the reach of your posts beyond your followers. Tracking hashtag performance helps you understand the reach and engagement driven by specific hashtags, helping you identify the most effective ones for your content.

How to Measure

Instagram Insights provide data on the reach and impressions from hashtags. Analyzing this data helps you identify the most effective hashtags for your content.


If a post with the hashtag #TravelTips reaches 5,000 users and another with #TravelHacks reaches 8,000, you can infer that #TravelHacks is more effective for your audience. Continuously testing and refining your hashtags based on performance can enhance your reach and engagement.

8. Saved Posts Why It Matters

Saved posts indicate that users find your content valuable enough to revisit later. This metric can help you identify the types of content that resonate most with your audience and drive long-term engagement.

How to Measure

Instagram Insights show the number of saves for each post. High save counts suggest that your content is useful, informative, or inspirational.


If a tutorial post on DIY home improvements receives 300 saves, it indicates strong interest and value perception among your audience. Creating more of this type of content can help you build a more engaged and loyal following.

How to Check Your Instagram Metrics

Monitoring your Instagram metrics is crucial for understanding your account’s performance and making data-driven decisions to enhance your strategy. Instagram provides several tools to help you access and analyze these metrics. Here’s how you can check your Instagram metrics:

1. Using Instagram Insights

Instagram Insights is a built-in analytics tool available for business and creator accounts. It provides detailed metrics on your account’s performance, including engagement, reach, impressions, and more.

How to Access Instagram Insights:

  1. Switch to a Business or Creator Account:
    • If you haven’t already, switch your account to a business or creator account by going to your profile, tapping the menu icon (three horizontal lines), selecting “Settings,” then “Account,” and finally “Switch to Professional Account.”
  2. Access Insights:
    • Go to your profile and tap the menu icon.
    • Select “Insights” from the menu.

Key Sections in Instagram Insights:

  • Overview: Provides a summary of your account’s performance, including interactions, reach, and follower activity.
  • Content: Shows metrics for your posts, Stories, Reels, and IGTV videos, including reach, impressions, and engagement.
  • Activity: Displays data on profile visits, website clicks, and other actions taken on your profile.
  • Audience: Offers insights into your followers’ demographics, including age, gender, location, and active times.

2. Using Third-Party Analytics Tools

Several third-party tools offer more advanced analytics and reporting features. These tools can provide deeper insights and more customizable reports.

  • Sprout Social: Offers comprehensive Instagram analytics, including engagement metrics, hashtag performance, and competitor analysis.
  • Hootsuite: Provides detailed reports on your Instagram performance, including follower growth, engagement, and content performance.
  • Later: Focuses on visual content planning and analytics, offering insights into your posts’ performance and best times to post.
  • Iconosquare: Delivers in-depth analytics and benchmarking, helping you track key metrics and compare your performance to competitors.

3. Manually Tracking Metrics

For a more hands-on approach, you can manually track key metrics using a spreadsheet. This method requires more effort but allows for highly customized tracking and analysis.

Steps for Manual Tracking:

  1. Identify Key Metrics: Determine which metrics are most important for your goals (e.g., engagement rate, follower growth, reach).
  2. Create a Spreadsheet: Set up a spreadsheet with columns for each metric and rows for different time periods (e.g., weekly, monthly).
  3. Collect Data: Regularly record data from Instagram Insights or third-party tools.
  4. Analyze Trends: Use your spreadsheet to analyze trends and identify patterns in your performance.

By leveraging Instagram Insights, third-party tools, or manual tracking, you can gain valuable insights into your Instagram performance. Regularly monitoring these metrics will help you refine your strategy, create more engaging content, and achieve your marketing goals.

Remember, the key to successful Instagram marketing lies in continuous improvement. Use these metrics to identify what works, make informed decisions, and adapt your strategy to keep your audience engaged and growing. With the right metrics guiding your efforts, you can turn Instagram into a powerful tool for brand growth and customer engagement.

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