Hashtags #️⃣

We are constantly updating this area as well as our “training” resource that you can browse or our blog. 

#Hashtags for Home

Hashtags are a great way to reach the most relevant audience for your potential customers. These are great hashtags to add for any home tips, reminders, etc. 

📍 Always add your city!  This is done by utilizing either the name i.e. #vancouver or airport code #yvr. 

📌 Tip: It’s important not to overwhelm your caption with too many hashtags.  4-6 hashtags per post is plenty. 

#Hashtags for HVAC

Why use hashtags? Quite simply for your photo to be found and searchable For example, let’s say you post a photo of a new air conditioner install on your Instagram page and, adding the pound sign followed by key terms that are searchable such as “#airconditioner + #city”. This will index your photo alongside other related photos that use those same hashtags.

👌 Popular Hashtags to utilize:

Hashtags can make or break your Instagram marketing strategy. Use them correctly and you’ll get your posts seen by more people likely to be interested in your products or brand.

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